CMT is randomly airing episodes of “The Dukes of Hazzard” to fill in programming gaps as the Hollywood writer’s strike continues. There are five Dukes eps airing on CMT this Tuesday, December 11th, starting at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.
More episodes will be aired on Friday, December 14th, beginning at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, including the fan favorite “The Ghost of General Lee.” Check your local listings, and visit’s “On TV” and “TV Schedule” links to find future showings.
Now, if you think there’s no time for TV because Christmas coming up fast – don’t worry! There’s plenty of fun “Dukes of Hazzard” merchandise online to make gift-giving easy! Our continued favorite is the remote-control General Lee car, which now has working headlights!

Dukes of Hazzard General Lee Remote Radio Control Car RC
A quick browse of “Dukes of Hazzard” merchandise finds shirts, hats, mugs, toy General Lee cars, DVD sets, backpacks, and more! If you’ve been good this year, ask Santa for Dukes stuff ! And if you’ve been bad….well, just buy it for yourself. Yeehaa!