Another “Real” General Lee for Sale?
The seller of this vehicle claims this Charger was used in 2005 Dukes movie promos, as well as the Smallville episode that featured Tom Wopat as a guest star. They also claim it was used in a country music video. Like an AKC registered hound, this car comes with papers showing its Warner Bros lineage.
If you’ve got a hefty tax refund coming, or you’re ready to take out a second mortgage on your house, or you wanna raid junior’s college fund – this baby could be yours for a mere $59,998.00.
Maybe that sounds expensive, but plain ol’ orange clunker cars go for $40,000 + as long as there’s an “01” on the doors. Given the turbulent stock market, and a uncertain outlook on real estate prices, the HazzardNet Staff might just cash in our collective lunch money and invest in a sure bet. Like this car.
Or, maybe we’ll pass along the link to our readers and somebody with deeper pockets can be the lucky new owner! Here ya go, and let the buyer beware, and all that: