CMT Top 20 Country Comedies

This is a little late, but we’ve been busy getting ready for DukesFest.
Did any of you see the CMT special Top 20 Country Comedies? Well, I was delighted to see that Dukes of Hazzard came in fourth. However, that delight was shortlived, as they neglected to even mention the people who gave the show such great comedy, Sorrell Booke and Jimmie Best. Jimmie and Sorrell’s chemistry together and comedic timing brought smiles to the faces of fans every week. Sometimes they were over the top. Sometimes they were more subtle. But some of the best comedic moments in the show were bound to involve them. How CMT could overlook that is beyond me.
If any of you saw the special and noticed the same omission I did, I urge you to write to CMT and voice your displeasure with this oversight. Since the show is over and done with, there’s not much they can do now to right this. However, they can always produce more specials that feature the Dukes cast. I, for one, would like to see a special about comedy duos that perhaps could feature Jimmie and Sorrell. If you have your own ideas, please write CMT and let them know. Keep it nice, folks. We Dukes fans have a reputation to uphold 🙂
CMT-MTV Networks
330 Commerce Street
Nashville, TN 37201
If anyone can find an email contact for CMT, we’d appreciate you contacting us with it. Thanks.

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